Membership Application - Associate
Membership Application - Associate
Primary Contact Details
Please fill out with the contact details of the primary contact for the organisation. LASA will send future correspondence to this contact.
Organisation Name
First Name
Last Name
I allow LASA to send me email updates
Public Organisation Details
This information appears on the LASA website members map, and is for the public to contact if they'd like to volunteer or to find out more about the organisation. If the organisation does not have certain public contact details, please note it as N/A.
Public Name
Public Phone
Public Email
Public Address
Public Website
Why would you like to be a member of LASA?
Communications about grants, training opportunities and Landcare updates
Connection to the Landcare community
Supporting grassroots Landcare
Training opportunities and Landcare updates
Please specify why would you like to be a member of LASA.
Please describe the activities of the group, including interest in community Landcare and activities relating to the maintenance and improvement of our natural and/or working landscapes.
This will form the basis of your organisational profile on the
LASA Member Group Map
Membership Duration
1 Year ($50)
5 Years ($200)
Application Date (DATE TODAY)
Craft Entry ID
Terms, Conditions, and Payment
Membership is open to groups, organisations, and individuals that are involved in or would like to support the grassroots Landcare movement.
To be eligible for membership of the Association, an organisation must:
Reside in, have a place of business in or be incorporated in South Australia; and,
Be a not-for-profit body corporate regardless of the legal type of incorporation or an unincorporated organisation whose rules prevent the disbursement of resources or surplus to members.
The primary contact listed for LASA group members is required to represent their group by attending and voting at AGMs and member meetings. Groups are each given one (1) vote per group membership at these meetings.
Individual and associate members are ineligible to vote at AGMs and member meetings.
Public contact details provided will be available to the public on our website.
Groups applying for a five (5) year membership may be required to submit high-level data on their impact and output each year, similar to that gathered during this annual membership application process.
LASA reserves the right to cancel or revoke a membership if the organisation or individual does not fit within the requirements outlined in LASA’s
Becoming a LASA member means that you agree to abide by the organisation’s
Code of Conduct
. LASA reserves the right to cancel or revoke a membership if the organisation or individual does not act within the directive of these documents.
Membership fees will be reimbursed in full if your application is not approved in the first instance. In the case of a cancelled or revoked membership, membership fees will not be reimbursed.
All LASA members must adhere to the
LASA Membership Policy
. As per this policy, LASA may cancel an existing membership or reject an application for any breach of the policy.
Terms and Conditions Confirmation
I have read and accepted the above items before proceeding with my payment.
How would you like to pay?
Bank transfer
Credit card
Submit Application